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Our Process



1. Awareness

2. Alliance

3. Ameliorate

4. Advancement

5. Advocacy


Many girls excel in math and science but have shied away from pursuing these interests for various reasons.

provides outreach and awareness programs for girls to continue their intellectual curiosity.


Identify world class educational techniques and teams to bring under our umbrella so that we may nurture and grow the most impactful and effective programs.

collaborates and unites with small to mid-sized STEM focused organizations to provide a fully immersed program.


Target populations in which our best-of-breed programs and teams may have the biggest impact.

recognizes the challenges and plans to improve the current “state of STEM” for girls.


Expand our best-of-breed programs and team into larger populations to maximize our team impact.

seeks to bring as many organizations and girls together.


Continued support for girls in STEM to achieve higher numbers of girls and women in scholarships, internships and impactful STEM careers.

will be a continued support organization during each step throughout the process of growth.


Influencing policy and policy makers to ensure improvements in equality for women in science and engineering.

seeks to ensure that laws are in place or will be in place as to not impede a candidate with her process or progress in the pursuit of STEM accessibility or career aspirations.

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