FemmeHacks: February 5th- 6th 2021
team takes 1st PLACE!
at University of Pennsylvania's FemmeHacks collegiate hackathon.
The team built a working website in 10 hours for their idea "VolunteerCloud", a portal for connecting school volunteer requirements/credits and other potential volunteers with nearby volunteer offerings. It was technologically sophisticated (geolocated volunteer offerings, dynamic external databases, etc.) and actually worked -- in 10 hours!
Here is the link to view the competition entry:
Cornell Tech: February 8th 2020
takes home
Second Place!
Scribble: November 2nd 2019
MoMath: October 5th 2015
team goes to a conference at the National Museum of Mathmatics!
Astronaut Anousheh Ansari came to speak at the National Museum of Mathmatics in New York City in 2015!